Saturday, October 10, 2009

It's getting close to the witching hour...

We're counting down the hours until All Hallow's Eve. And this evil l'il kitteh is ready!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

SnowFall is hazardous to your health...

To our neighbors to the north in Maple-Leaf-Land, we hear-tell that snow is falling. Be careful! Be very careful.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Trick or Treat!

Trick O'Treat...smell my feet...on second thought...better not!
Fall, this scribe's favorite time of the year.
Ghouls, goblins, & ghosts abound ~ celebrating the witching hour :0)

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Farmville - in perspective...

Farmville meets MC Escher. It's all a matter of perspective, and this "farmer" created the illusion of height & depth by using "steps" and taller fencing. The mass of trees also lends itself to an upwards visual sensation.
Kudos! MC Escher would be proud :0)
(And, thanks to a Farmville neighbor for posting this photo).

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Dat Devil...

"Halloween & Vine" was worth the drive to Petaluma. Met wonderful artists & oogled their incredibly fabulous creations. A bit of jostling 'bout as near-rabid fans jockeyed for positions to snap-up their favorites. A few boo-folk came home w/me to the Emerald Oz, including dat Red Devil by Lori Ann Corelis (, 3 ghoulish felt-folk by Kerry Howard-Schmidt (, and 2 Johanna Parker critters: (
More pix to post very soon. I feel Autumn in the air, don't you?

Friday, September 25, 2009

Tapestry of Treasures

"Tapestry of Treasures" - Masterworks Chorale presents...
Saturday, Oct 24th (8PM) & Sunday Oct. 25th (4PM)
Cunningham Memorial Chapel @ 1500 Ralston Avenue Belmont, CA
Soloists: Pamela Sebastian - soprano, Sally Porter Munro - mezzo-soprano, Joshua Henderson - bass

Masterworks Chorale's fall concert features an array of musical treasures performed with orchestra, soloists, and chorus. The program ranges from Schubert's lyrical and harmonically rich "Mass #2 in G major" to Vivaldi's energetic and rhythmic "Magnificat" and Handel's "Laudate Pueri Dominum" with its exciting choruses, as well as two of Mozart's exquisite jewels, "Ave Verum Corpus" and "Laudate Dominum."
Masterworks Chorale’s 46th season can be enjoyed at our current low ticket prices.
$20 advance purchase
$25 at the door
$10 with valid student ID
Go to: for ordering details.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Adieu, Sweet Otis...

Otis, my Starbucks friend, died earlier this week. He lived a long life, surrounded by the non-furry sisters in his life - caring companions to the end. I shall miss the little guy :0(

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

What a college education will get you...

Well, I suppose a college education could get you the trappings of success, like a BMW. Then again, why wait until you've earned that diploma? Why, a resourceful college student at the College of San Mateo decided to start small & swipe the BMW emblem off the trunk lid of my car. Just hope s/he purchases the rest of the car. Mind you, in the scheme of all that is important in life, this thievery is but a mere irritant. However, it speaks volumes about what a college education will get you...

Monday, September 21, 2009

Pink Stinks?

Pink stinks? I should say...NOT! Good thing Leonardo doesn't live @ the Emerald Oz. He'd be bathed in all-things-PINK, thanks to LilyPad, who absolutely ADORES PINK :0)

Monday, September 14, 2009

Otter Cam!

Woo Hoo! Check out those cute l'il otters on the Monterey Bay Aquarium Otter Cam @

Mr. Moon's dental hygiene...

Meowza! Mr. Moon takes his dental hygiene REAL SERIOUS! No tartar build-up for this kat-kid :0) Seriously speaking...he's lock-jawed on his favorite toy of the month, courtesy of his non-furry friend, Inara (and, thanks to the SF/SPCA for making it!). Who woulda thunk-it that a stick with rubber tubing would be SO fun!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Halloween & Vine

Mark your calendars & come to "Halloween & Vine" - fabulously creative artists and their original Halloween ware. For more info, go to:
or Hope to see you there!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Asian Aesthetic in War & Peace

Run! to the San Francisco Asian Art Museum's special exhibit, "Lords of the Samurai" - which will close September 20th. From the website, "Lords of the Samurai takes an intimate look at the daimyo, or provincial lords of the warrior class in feudal Japan. The Hosokawa clan, powerful military nobles with a 600-year-old lineage, embodied this duality of fierce warrior and refined gentleman.
The exhibition features more than 160 works from the Hosokawa family collection housed in the Eisei-Bunko Museum in Tokyo, and from Kumamoto Castle and the Kumamoto Municipal Museum in Kyushu. Objects on view include suits of armor, armaments (including swords and guns), formal attire, calligraphy, paintings, tea wares, lacquerware, masks, and musical instruments."

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Eye-catching Ecuador...

My artist-friend & intrepid traveler, Alissa Kaplan
is experiencing Ecuador with the eye of an artist & the courage of an independent woman as she rides all means of conveyance to see the country. This photo (Canoa, Ecuador), is eye-catching.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Below the surface lurks...

And where, you ask, does the 2nd-half of my hyphenated last name (Tintor) come from? Well...I researched Dr. Dan's family name - and it appears that they evolved from the depths of the deep, dark sea. Yeah, right. Then again, I suppose we all did in some fashion.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Needs no introduction...

"Double, double toil and trouble; fire burn and cauldron bubble." And, that's just for starters. Ugh. Nottin' quite like a summer head-cold. Kleenex, anyone?

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Hot! Hot! Hot!

OMG! Now @ these temps, you could fry an egg on the sidewalk. But don't try this @ home, kids. When all else fails (i.e., your AC), soak both feet in a bucket of iced water.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Opera Cat

Looking forward to singing again with the folks @ Masterworks Chorale, beginning tonight (August 24th). We're ALWAYS looking forward the brave-of-heart, mellifluous-in-voice, & friendly-in-spirit. So, come audition:

Saturday, August 22, 2009


Tired of the rut of reality? Enter the thoroughly engaging & entertaining world of "Dreamland" - masterminded by the "real" Brent Spiner (yes, of "Data" StarTrek lore). Go to his website: & order a copy. I did. And, I escape to Dreamland regularly.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

This is why you're fat!?!?!?!?!?!

OMG! I cannot believe what Americans are willing & able to eat. You gotta hand it to that Yankee Ingenuity, I suppose. A lack of creativity (and pounds), as a nation, we don't have. Now, if only we could devise healthy alternatives...but then, I suppose that's not the point, is it? For your viewing (gulp) pleasure...a tempura burger! Ahh...a mix of Asian & American cuisine.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Farmville, there I go!

Woe to all who click on that lonesome black sheep whilst on Facebook. Once you adopt this cute lil' fella, you'll be hooked! Ol' MacDonald, I ain' is witnessed by my sad-sack plots of low-yield veggies & never-to-sell livestock (pets). There's just something irresistable about creating a different reality. Anything to escape the tedious tasks that await me. But, more on "that" at another time.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

San Carlos ArtWalk - Thursday (8/13 & 8/20) from 4 - 8PM.

600 and 800 blocks of Laurel Street - surrounding "Hot Harvest Nights"
(fabulous farmers' market) on 700 block.

My exhibit will be in front of Starbucks
(800 block).

Buy farm-fresh produce, visit downtown businesses & view art and meet the artists,
& sip some espresso.

Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Whadaya gonna do?

I mean, really! Some folks say that after Labor Day,
no more white fashion. That's ridiculous. I LOVE white - as you can see by my newly acquired tee (don't laugh) and my "completely natural & undyed" fur color. I say wear whatever you want, wherever you are, whenever. By the way, don't tell my non-furry companion (LoryKT) that I snuck onto her blog. She thinks I'm limited to a 1st grade education - so, let's leave it at that...signing off. Mr. Moon

Monday, August 10, 2009

Americana wilting in this heat...

Despite this almost-100-degree heat (and a slightly-tweaked-out-neck), yours-truly is determined to put to rest this summer's Americana. Besides, Mr. Moon has made mince-meat of several longstanding wooden residents of the Emerald Oz - so, before he decapitates Uncle Sam, it's back in the box he goes, along with all his patriotic pals.